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Studio Classes

We will help you decide which class & the package is best for you!

Select Your Studio

Planning Your Class

View class packages & introductory specials, choose

which works best for your busy life &  fitness goals!

View class schedule & sign up right from our website. Not sure which class to start with? Check out class descriptions. Use the registration form to get set up & sign your liability waiver.

Download the mind body app, search TriTone Fit & <3 it as favorite studio, View schedule & sign up for classes, Pick your package & pay... its that easy!

Love our classes but dont have time in your busy day to make it to the studio, Tone @ Home and Tone & Go virtual fitness is for you! You fell in love with us during your travels & now your back home, thats ok! Follow us on our Virtual Studio and subscribe to Youtube Live.

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